Check out all our videos on You Tube at the The Regenerative Homestead Channel.
I used Old Sliding glass doors, and old rotted redwood deck to build this sunroom. The only new material is the fiberglass roof. All the other material is left over, reclaimed, re-purposed or found.
This video describes the design build process of building a pergola in West Sonoma County.
Chicken built with all recycled wood. Designed and Built by Lush Planet Design Build
In this video created by Lush Planet Design Build. We cover the basic concepts of creating a retaining wall that will not collapse over time using a wood deadman system. Also we talk about some of the trade offs and options concerning the use of ground contact wood.
We built this screwless deck in West Sonoma County with sustainable wood and extra care to make it last. We used the jig to build it It was well worth it and performed well.
In this video we show a tiny home design build by Lush Planet Design Build in progress. We outline some of the sustainability features we employ during construction. Our designs creatively utilize as much re-purposed material as possible. We use as much recycled material as possible. And we design as energy efficient as possible.
Designed and Built by Lush Planet Design Build with Mike Stokes
All recycled material greenhouse built in 2 days with 50 dollars.